From cradle to grave, each person is connected with communication. Our social, political, economical, religious, technological and other aspects call for maintenance of proper communication, otherwise people will become lifeless. Formal or informal, direct or functions. From business sector to non-business sector, from professional to general people, communication exists every where. And sometimes communication happens silently or without our formal concern. In business arena, communication is the key for interaction and interference. When there is a successful communication, the objectives of business as well as of individual become fulfilled. So effective communication is desirable to all and to maintain such various principles, techniques and procedures of communication are required to be all followed, And for these purpose barriers should be avoided or removed for active flow of communication. Fruitful communication helps to reach our destination.
Monday, 17 October 2011
Monday, 18 July 2011
Function of Business Communiaction
1. Information function: Business has external and external activities are supported and co-ordinate by internal activities. So, a bridge is required to integrate and adjust and such is provided by business communication e.g. To sell any new product in the market required advertisement because it highlight the product and customers are attracted to buy the product. So, it is a business communication to inform the general people. Moreover the making of advertisement requires financing which involves in internal activities of the management.
2. Command and instruction function: Plans and policy are formulated at the top level management and forwarded to various division, unit or department in-terms of various instructions or notification. Moreover command is given to the workers to work in accordance with guidelines of the company. Business Communication is the means to provide command and instructions.
3. Motivational function: It is the key to word more and such motivation can be a latter which praises the individual with words of excellence or appreciation. Such action is the output of business communication.
4. Integration and co-ordination function: Integration and coordination of activities are required to attain organization goal. Business communication helps to maintain the follow:
a) Ensure supply chain management.
b) Build network among employees to share information.
c) Provide basis for croos checking to activities done.
5. Understanding and insight function: Business communication opens the door to understand each other. There are continuous communication between top level and lower level management. There are requirements of close relationship with external parties as business develops, grows and sustains of close relationship with the help of various stake holders. Both internal and external relationship provide us opportunity to discover ourselves.
6. Relation function: Communication is the key to build relationship among the individual, group, society and nations. We need care to develop, we need opportunity to grow and we need love & affection to survive. So relationship with other is the vital issue and therefore we see the presence of employee relation, customer relation, public relation and other. Business communication is the theme to maintain such relation.
7. Solving function: Business firms face problems everyday internally and externally in-terms of operation and coordination. Success of business requires timely solution of respective problems and therefore proper communication with stakeholders are compulsory.
8. Decision making function: Management makes decisions and therefore needs accurate information timely. The function of business communication is to provide relevant information to the management to amke corrected decision.
9.Implementation function: Top level management initiate Plans and policies which need to be implemented by operation units. Such implementation are possible through means of business communication.
10. Image building function: Strong image of a business firm helps it to gain competitive advantage in the market. Business communication enhance image and helps to retain it.
4. Integration and co-ordination function: Integration and coordination of activities are required to attain organization goal. Business communication helps to maintain the follow:
a) Ensure supply chain management.
b) Build network among employees to share information.
c) Provide basis for croos checking to activities done.
5. Understanding and insight function: Business communication opens the door to understand each other. There are continuous communication between top level and lower level management. There are requirements of close relationship with external parties as business develops, grows and sustains of close relationship with the help of various stake holders. Both internal and external relationship provide us opportunity to discover ourselves.
6. Relation function: Communication is the key to build relationship among the individual, group, society and nations. We need care to develop, we need opportunity to grow and we need love & affection to survive. So relationship with other is the vital issue and therefore we see the presence of employee relation, customer relation, public relation and other. Business communication is the theme to maintain such relation.
7. Solving function: Business firms face problems everyday internally and externally in-terms of operation and coordination. Success of business requires timely solution of respective problems and therefore proper communication with stakeholders are compulsory.
8. Decision making function: Management makes decisions and therefore needs accurate information timely. The function of business communication is to provide relevant information to the management to amke corrected decision.
9.Implementation function: Top level management initiate Plans and policies which need to be implemented by operation units. Such implementation are possible through means of business communication.
10. Image building function: Strong image of a business firm helps it to gain competitive advantage in the market. Business communication enhance image and helps to retain it.
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Contribution Of Holy Books in Communication-Islamic History
Holy books have the most contribution to the development of communication in this universe. Because this Holy books have given the information of mystery of origin of human being as well as the emergence of other things. The thirty Holy books from the almighty ALLAH towards the first human being in this world, Adam, bear the little of first written communication. Those Holy books help a lot to know about the background of creating this world and its all living beings as well as elements.
Subsequently there were other Holy books such as TAORAT, ZABUR, INGIL & The Holly Quran. Quran form ALLAH with the objective of creating and maintaining communication with the creator and the creation. As the first three Holy books do not remain intact. We have follow the Holy Quran forever.
Let us highlight some aspects from the viewpoint of The Holy Quran
1. Creation of human being: Sura Bakara of the Quran tells us about the history of creation of human being. Before the creation of human being, the Almighty Allah called a meeting and expressed his desire to create human being towards messengers. His messengers were worried about such creation but he said "what i know, you don't know",Before sending human being to the earth, He called upon allthe souls and asked them "Am I not your children? "In reply all the soul said "Yes you are. "All these emphasize about communication.
2. Providing knowledge of materials to Adam (A.S): After the creation of first human being, Adam, ALLAH gave him knowledge and idea regarding all materials, goods & things. He was alone in the heaven. So he appealed for his companion to the Almighty Allah and Allah created Hawa (A.S). After that because of avoidance of order of Almighty Allah, they were sent to the earth. Praying for a long time, they were forgiven by the most Merciful Allah who ordered them to live in this world permanently.All these events bear the real example of formal communication.
Lesson from the life of Hazrat Mohammad (SM)
The appearance of Holy Quran on our dearest prophet Mohammad (SM) teels us about formal communication. The meeting with Hazrat Zibrael (A.S) at the cave of hill named 'HIRA', the division of moon by our prophet through his gesture, the invitation of islam towards the people of the world, "Madina declaration" made by him and his last speech at Arafat premise clearly exhibits about live communication. All the activities and functions of our Prophet were initiated towards the welfare of human civilization. And he was successful to bring peace in the strife torn Arab because of his praiseworthy communication.
3. Communication with Hazrat Musa (A.S): Hazrat Musa (AS) was eager to see the almighty Allha and therefore he communicated his desire to Allha. He was ordered to be present at the top of hill named TUR. When he was present there, and asked to see the sky. As soon as he saw the sky, he lost his sense and fell down there. This event is the concrete example of communication.
Other Contribution of Islam:
He was thrown to the fire because of uttering the nae of Allha. But What Allha wills, no frost can kiil. He had better time there than ever because of spiritual communication with Allha. After that he was orderd by Allha to sacrifice his dearest son Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). He started to slaughter his son according to instruction but he faild and Allha gave him the reward as he overcame the test. In lieu of Ismail (A.S) a sheep was ordered to be sacrificed in the name of Allha, All these teel about spiritual communication.
* Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S): There was devastating flood during the period Hazrat Nuh (A.S). Before flood he was orderd by Allha to make a ship and take his followers in the ship to reach a safer place.
* Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A): When he was elected as a Caliph of Islam. He announced in a large assemnly that I am an ordinary person like all of you and I will operate the country according to Holy Quran and Sunnah and need cooperatio from all. That public communication helped a lo t.
* Hazrat Omar (R.A): The example set by hazrat Omar regarding ruling a country is written in the golden letters in the history. He used to visit each house in his state to see the condition of people through his own eyes. He used to take foods from the state godown and would serve in the world for his contribution to the poor.
* Hazrat Ali (R.A): He also made a milestone in the development of communication. He wrote a letter named. A classic Administrative Policy Letter to the governor of Egypt. He highlighted not only the administrative aspect but also made emphasis on communication with general people. Modern age of communication can have a great lesson from such letter.
3. Communication with Hazrat Musa (A.S): Hazrat Musa (AS) was eager to see the almighty Allha and therefore he communicated his desire to Allha. He was ordered to be present at the top of hill named TUR. When he was present there, and asked to see the sky. As soon as he saw the sky, he lost his sense and fell down there. This event is the concrete example of communication.
Other Contribution of Islam:
He was thrown to the fire because of uttering the nae of Allha. But What Allha wills, no frost can kiil. He had better time there than ever because of spiritual communication with Allha. After that he was orderd by Allha to sacrifice his dearest son Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S). He started to slaughter his son according to instruction but he faild and Allha gave him the reward as he overcame the test. In lieu of Ismail (A.S) a sheep was ordered to be sacrificed in the name of Allha, All these teel about spiritual communication.
* Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S): There was devastating flood during the period Hazrat Nuh (A.S). Before flood he was orderd by Allha to make a ship and take his followers in the ship to reach a safer place.
* Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A): When he was elected as a Caliph of Islam. He announced in a large assemnly that I am an ordinary person like all of you and I will operate the country according to Holy Quran and Sunnah and need cooperatio from all. That public communication helped a lo t.
* Hazrat Omar (R.A): The example set by hazrat Omar regarding ruling a country is written in the golden letters in the history. He used to visit each house in his state to see the condition of people through his own eyes. He used to take foods from the state godown and would serve in the world for his contribution to the poor.
* Hazrat Ali (R.A): He also made a milestone in the development of communication. He wrote a letter named. A classic Administrative Policy Letter to the governor of Egypt. He highlighted not only the administrative aspect but also made emphasis on communication with general people. Modern age of communication can have a great lesson from such letter.